About us

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Our Mission is to promote teaching and practicing traditional Japanese painting (sumi-e), according to the method of sumi-e Master Beppe Mokuza.

The School’s Indicators are presented at the bottom of the page.

Teachers of the School


Beppe Mokuza

School Honorary President

Beppe Mokuza Signoritti is a Zen monk belonging to the tradition of Soto Zen Buddhism; he is a disciple of Zen Master Roland Yuno Rech. He is the founder and responsible of the Zen Dojo “Bodai Dojo” located in Alba, north Italy. For almost thirty years he has been dedicating himself to Sumi-e and the practice of Zen meditation, exhibiting his works, holding conferences and practical demonstrations throughout Europe. Since the beginning of his spiritual path, Beppe Mokuza combines the practice of Zen with Sumi-e.
To discover Beppe Mokuza:

Alain Plaignaud

Alain Keigyo Plaignaud

School President

Alain Plaignaud has been practicing Zen meditation since 2007 and met Beppe Mokuza on this occasion in 2013. In 2017, he interrupts his engineering career to fully devote himself to the practice of sumi-e and Zen meditation. In 2023 he becomes a Zen monk.

Indicators of the School

The School’s activity proposes, on the one hand, a curriculum that aims at certification in 4 years, with a validation of the acquired knowledge at the end of each year, and on the other hand, specific training courses that are not part of a certification curriculum.
See the Home page for more details on the School’s activity.

Please note that the annual duration of the curriculum depends on the beneficiaries, who may not attend all the courses and therefore extend the calendar duration.
Beneficiaries who do not follow the curriculum follow the entire course in which they are registered, without interruption, i.e. 5 or 9 days depending on the course.

The School’s activity began at the start of the 2019 school year.

Data is updated annually, at the end of the first semester N+1, for year N.

Presentation of the indicators

Number of beneficiariesAttendance recordsCumulative entries in training over one year.
Number of new beneficiariesAttendance recordsDitto, counting beneficiaries never registered before
Bounce rateAttendance recordsCumulative ratio of entries for new training over a year / number of beneficiaries
Attendance rateAttendance recordsRatio of hours of attendance to hours of enrollment
Calendar durationAttendance recordsAverage interval between start date and end date of a cursus year, in months
Satisfaction rateEvaluation sheetsOne-year average of scores given by recipients on items rated from 1 to 5:
– Practical input.
– Theoretical contribution.
– Personal progress.
– Quality of practical information.
– Adequacy of dates, location, duration.
– Quality of the room, catering and accommodation (if relevant).
– Pedagogical quality of the speakers
– Adequacy of the course topics.
Number of dropouts during the year of the programAnnual summaryCumulative output of training over a year, before the final exam of the year
Number of dropouts from the cursusAnnual summaryDitto, after the exam
Success rateAnnual summaryCumulative number of candidates validated by the jury over a year / number of candidates presented for the exam

Figures by year

Year 2019-2020

Number of beneficiariesCursus5
Number of new beneficiariesCursus5
Bounce rateCursus0%
Attendance rateCursus93%
Calendar durationCursus10,5 mos
Satisfaction rateAll93%
Number of dropouts during the year of the programCursus1
Number of dropouts from the cursusCursus4
Success rateCursus100%

Year 2020-2021

Number of beneficiariesCursus1
Number of new beneficiariesCursus1
Bounce rateCursus100%
Attendance rateCursus100%
Calendar durationCursus10,5 mos
Satisfaction rateAll94%
Number of dropouts during the year of the programCursus0
Number of dropouts from the cursusCursus1
Success rateCursus100%

Year 2021-2022

Number of beneficiariesCursus2
Number of new beneficiariesCursus2
Bounce rateCursus50%
Attendance rateCursus90%
Calendar durationCursus10,8 mos
Satisfaction rateAll91%
Number of dropouts during the year of the programCursus0
Number of dropouts from the cursusCursus0
Success rateCursus100%

Year 2022-2023

Number of beneficiariesCursus3
Hors cursus66
Number of new beneficiariesCursus2
Hors cursus53
Bounce rateCursus67%
Hors cursus18%
Attendance rateCursus93%
Hors cursus100%
Calendar durationCursus10,2 mois
Satisfaction rateTous91%
NNumber of dropouts during the year of the programCursus0
Number of dropouts from the cursusCursus0
Success rateCursus100%
Number of applicantsCursusN/A
Number of certificationsCursusN/A

Abandons : aucun.

Year 2023-2024

Number of beneficiariesCursus7
Hors cursus54
Number of new beneficiariesCursus3
Hors cursus37
Bounce rateCursus100%
Hors cursus30%
Attendance rateCursus62%
Hors cursus100%
Calendar durationCursus10,7 mois
Satisfaction rateTous88%
Number of dropouts during the year of the programCursus1
Number of dropouts from the cursusCursus0
Success rateCursus100%
Number of applicantsCursusN/A
Number of certificationsCursusN/A

Note on trainee attendance: the rate is affected by:
1) one trainee dropped out during the year.
2) in agreement with the teaching team, one of the trainees postponed a large part of her year to the following year, to devote herself entirely to a professional project.

Dropouts: 1.

Following a behavioural remark by the teaching team.